About Us
Our philosophy is to view patient care as a partnership that encourages open dialogue, education and understanding. Combining this with good surgical technique and years of experience, optimal results are possible. We understand each patient has different concerns and questions about their illness and care. In this office we strive to treat everyone like family.
We are glad you have chosen us for your health needs and hope that every encounter with our office and staff exceeds your expectations. We know our patients have a choice in several different areas, so we go out of our way to deliver the level of care and compassion we would want for our own families.
Complete health may be our long-term goal, but our immediate priority is the patient comfort. We do our best to facilitate a relaxing and non-threatening office environment you’ll want to return to again and again. This includes the implementation of multiple techniques to prevent treatment discomfort and minimize anxiety.
You’ll also find our office to be equipped with amenities designed to make your experience more pleasant and enjoyable. From a comfortable waiting area to relaxing treatment areas, every detail has been designed with your satisfaction in mind.
Technology is ever-changing and constantly evolving. We do our best to stay relevant to the needs of our patients using advanced technology that helps us better diagnose and treat conditions and diseases. Our office features innovative technology that makes it possible for us to provide unsurpassed patient care not available just a few years ago.
If you are in search of a professional who will attend to your needs, you can’t go wrong with our practice. Contact our clinic at your earliest convenience to schedule your consultation. We look forward to serving you and your family for many years to come.
دكتور أحمد الجندي
يشرف علي تدريب شباب الاطباء علي جراحات أورام الكبد و القنوات المرارية و البنكرياس . كما يقوم بتنسيق برنامج زرع الكبد بمستشفي المواساه و يشرف علي تطوير التقنيات و الاجهزة بالمستشفي.
جراحات المناظير المتقدمة
تم إدخال جراحات المناظير لإستئصال أورام الكبد و البنكرياس. و تم نشر أبحاث عالمية و إلقاء محاضرات في مؤتمرات دولية لنشر التقنيات الجراحية المستخدمة لخدمة المرضي.
مستشفي المواساه الجامعي
نقوم بالإشراف علي مستشفي المواساه الجامعي و تطوير وحدة جراحات و زرع الكبد بالمستشفي لتقديم الخدمة الصحية المتميزة لخدمة المرضي من كافة انحاء الجمهورية و الدول العربية المجاورة
غرف العمليات
نقوم بإجراء الجراحات في غرف عمليات عالمية بمواصفات قياسية مع أجهزة ترشيح للهواء داخل العمليات و نظام تعقيم متكامل يضمن أعلي درجات الجودة و التعقيم لمنع العدوي لصالح المرضي